Shri Mataji in a lotus

Jai Shri Mataji!

Dearest Nirmalites,

It is that time of the year when nature at the beautiful Borbera Valley is blooming after the brief winter of the silent meditative melody of Shri Shiva.

We, the Sahajayogis, the children of Shri Adi Shakti, are once again keen to gather to worship Her in Her Nirakara form and to establish Her in our Sahasrara. In Sahasrara, where our body, mind and beings will dissolve to create waves of love for the well-being of humanity and seekers of the world.

Come all, dear yogi brothers and sisters, we will collectively sing, pray and offer our gratitude and drench worshipping the lotus feet of the Sahasrara Swamini.

Sahasrara Day Celebration in Cabella from 3-5 May.

We, the hosting countries, are looking forward to seeing you all in Cabella.
With sahaj love from Austria, Czechia, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia

The puja weekend will include meditation, havan and artistic programs and will culminate in the International Sahasrara Puja.

"So in principle, Sahasrara is Vishnu Tattwa, but the deity is Mataji Nirmala Devi."
Shri Mataji – Sahasrara Puja, 05/1986

Registration for Puja in Cabella

Registration is mandatory for attending the puja in Cabella. Here you find info that is needed for your attendance in Cabella and also the link to register.

Please refer to the website of Casa Madre for the full overview of the measures in place. These can be found on the pre-registration page.

Click on the following link to go to the pre-registration page: Pre-registration

Those who do not pre-register will not be guaranteed meals at the Mulino.









Current event: none

Next event: none


Friday - 3rd May

Saturday - 4th May

Sunday - 5th May

Monday - 6th May

The Americas - New York UTC/GMT -4 | Africa - Abuja UTC/GMT +1 | Europe - 06:00 Cabella UTC/GMT +2 | Asia - New Delhi UTC/GMT +5:30 | Austrialia - Sydney UTC/GMT +10

Puja Souvenirs

Dear sahaja yogi brother and sisters,

The hosting countries have prepared a card and would like to share it as a token of love. The card can be downloaded and shared with the larger collective.